Niku Tofu 肉豆腐

Niku Tofu (literally Meat Tofu) is a stewed dish prominently featuring beef and tofu. It makes use of the ever so ubiquitous combination of Shoyu Soy Sauce, Sake Rice Wine, and Mirin Sweet Sake Seasoning Wine.

INGREDIENTS/ (portioned for 2 people)

  • Tofu (firm), 300 grams or 1 regular size package
  • Beef, 180g – thinly sliced stewing beef is preferred
  • Shiro Negi White Negi, 1 stalk – alternatives: scallion onions, ao negi green negi, green onions, onions.
  • Shoga Ginger, 1 slice – pregrated ginger is okay too
  • Mirin Sweet Sake Seasoning Wine, 3 tbsp
  • Shoyu Soy Sauce, 4 tbsp
  • Sake Rice Wine, 2 tbsp
  • Dashi Soup Base, 300mL


Recipe : Niku Tofu 1cut up the ginger into little biscuit pieces

Recipe : Niku Tofu 4cut up the biscuit shaped pieces into slivers and put them into the pot

Recipe : Niku Tofu 6chop White negi into large pieces (I prefer diagonal cut pieces sliced at 3cm intervals); you don’t need to use the end or middle pieces

Recipe : Niku Tofu 8put the negi pieces into the pot with the ginger and pour in strained dashi; heat moderately

Recipe : Niku Tofu 12add the meat and gently mix it in. don’t worry about browning it since we are stewing it

Recipe : Niku Tofu 14cut tofu into large pieces and gently mix it into the pot mixture being careful  not to break the tofu

Recipe : Niku Tofu 15Recipe : Niku Tofu 16Recipe : Niku Tofu 17 add in the sake, mirin, shoyu, and gently mix being careful not to break the tofu

Recipe : Niku Tofu 19add the dropping lid cooking weight and cook with moderate heat (typically the liquid level with all the ingredients will be very close to the weight; the liquid may go through the weight as well but that’s okay since stewing will take some time)

Recipe : Niku Tofu 20cover with the pot’s lid partially covering the pot

Good Ol Home Made NikuTofuthe tofu will eventually turn brownish and the juices should seep into the tofu, meat, and negi while the liquid level reduces; if you have no liquid left however, you have to stop so everything doesnt dry out


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