Potato Bismarck Pizza

  • 1 large russet potato
  • 100ml tomato sauce or pasta sauce
  • parma ham
  • mozzarella cheese
  • parmesan cheese
  • parsely
  • 1 egg

Slice the potato into thin slices, about a 1mm thick.

Photo 19-4-2016, 7 42 49 PM

Photo 19-4-2016, 8 00 53 PM

Splash your non-stick pan with oil, then layer the potato slices around, starting from the outside working inward. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, and cover with a lid and let it cook for 5-8 minutes on low heat.

Spread the tomato sauce over the potatoes, layer some mozzarella cheese, and cover on medium heat for 2 minutes.

Remove from the lid, drop your parma ham, crack and egg, and cover for 30 seconds to a minute, just to cook the egg a little. Make sure NOT to over cook, or you’ll kill the rich, runny egg  juices.

Serve with diced parsley and dried chili flakes.




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