Tom Yum Goong nam Khon (creamy)

Thai soup that’s hot and sour with a shrimp base.

Serves 2 people.


  • 5-6 Kaffir Lime leaves
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2/3 lime OR 6 tbsp  lime juice
  • handful of cilantro
  • handful of basil
  • lemon grass stalk
  • 3 shallots
  • 2 tomatoes
  • thumb size galungal root
  • oyster mushrooms
  • 5 fresh thai Bird chilis
  • 3 tbsp fish sauce
  • 8 tbsp evaporated milk
  • 3 tbsp chili sauce with shrimp paste & soybean
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 4 Black Tiger Prawns


Smash the lemon grass with the back of a big knife or a mallot to release the flavours. Then slice it diagonally.

Use the galungal root, not the stalk. peel and slice the root into discs.

Rip the llime leaves, and toss it into the water.

Crush the chilis and slice them in half diagonally.

Let this stew come to a boil and then turn the flame to low and let it simmer. Once the soup starts to change colour and begins to smell really good. Give it atleast 15 minutes.


First add in the mushrooms, wait for them to be about 80% done which should take about a minute. Then add the shrimp.


Turn off the heat, add the lime, sugar and fish sauce, chilli sauce, and evaporated milk. Tomatoes should go in as well as any other veggies you might like.  Give it a stir and taste test, add more lime if you want it more sour, or fish sauce for more salty. Finally chilli to taste.


Serve in a bowl and garnish with diced basil and cilantro.


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